Apparently I'm making a plugin that make Shulker box works like a backpack. You can right click to open them on your main hand or even off-hand. I have all the function I needed but I want to change the title of the GUI appearing when I right clicked.
As you can see there it showed "Shulker Box" and I want to change it (it would be awesome if we can use color code with "&" instead of section symbol)
Is there anyway I can change that title? I already have ProtocolLib
latest version inside my project and this is my first time developing a GUI plugin like this.
Here is my kotlin maven
code (I'm developing paper plugin):
package me.hoangxuanlam2007.baloshulker
import org.bukkit.Material
import org.bukkit.block.ShulkerBox
import org.bukkit.command.Command
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BlockStateMeta
class BaloShulker : JavaPlugin(), Listener {
private val openedShulkers = HashMap<Player, ItemStack>()
override fun onEnable() {
// Register the event listener
server.pluginManager.registerEvents(this, this)
// Log a message to the console when the plugin is enabled"BaloShulker plugin enabled!")
override fun onDisable() {
// Log a message to the console when the plugin is disabled"BaloShulker plugin disabled!")
fun onPlayerInteract(event: PlayerInteractEvent) {
val player = event.player
val action = event.action
val hand = event.hand
val item = if (hand == EquipmentSlot.HAND) player.inventory.itemInMainHand else player.inventory.itemInOffHand
// Check if the player is holding a shulker box in the hand and right-clicked in the air
if (isShulkerBox(item) && action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) {
event.isCancelled = true
// Open the shulker box
openShulkerBox(player, item)
private fun isShulkerBox(item: ItemStack): Boolean {
return item.type == Material.SHULKER_BOX ||"_SHULKER_BOX")
private fun openShulkerBox(player: Player, shulkerBoxItem: ItemStack) {
val shulkerBoxMeta = shulkerBoxItem.itemMeta as? BlockStateMeta
if (shulkerBoxMeta != null && shulkerBoxMeta.blockState is ShulkerBox) {
val shulkerBox = shulkerBoxMeta.blockState as ShulkerBox
openedShulkers[player] = shulkerBoxItem
fun onInventoryClose(event: InventoryCloseEvent) {
val player = event.player as? Player
// Check if the player has a shulker that was previously opened
if (player != null && openedShulkers.containsKey(player)) {
val shulkerBoxItem = openedShulkers[player]
if (shulkerBoxItem != null) {
saveShulkerContents(shulkerBoxItem, event.inventory.contents.filterNotNull().toTypedArray())
override fun onCommand(sender: CommandSender, command: Command, label: String, args: Array<out String>): Boolean {
if ("bs", ignoreCase = true) && args.isNotEmpty() && args[0].equals("open", ignoreCase = true)) {
if (sender is Player) {
// Check if the player has the permission to open shulker boxes
if (sender.hasPermission("baloshulker.use")) {
val itemInMainHand = sender.inventory.itemInMainHand
val itemInOffHand = sender.inventory.itemInOffHand
// Check if the player is holding a shulker box in either hand
if (isShulkerBox(itemInMainHand)) {
openShulkerBox(sender, itemInMainHand)
} else if (isShulkerBox(itemInOffHand)) {
openShulkerBox(sender, itemInOffHand)
} else {
sender.sendMessage("You are not holding a shulker box!")
} else {
sender.sendMessage("You don't have permission to use this command!")
} else {
sender.sendMessage("Only players can use this command!")
return true
return false
private fun saveShulkerContents(shulkerItem: ItemStack, contents: Array<ItemStack>) {
val shulkerBoxMeta = shulkerItem.itemMeta as? BlockStateMeta
if (shulkerBoxMeta != null && shulkerBoxMeta.blockState is ShulkerBox) {
val shulkerBox = shulkerBoxMeta.blockState as ShulkerBox
shulkerBox.inventory.contents = contents
shulkerBoxMeta.blockState = shulkerBox
shulkerItem.itemMeta = shulkerBoxMeta
Inventories tied to block states can not have their names changed trough the BukkitAPI directly. Titles of these inventories are tied to the display name which is set in their meta. You either have to create your own GUI with your customized name, or just rename the shulker box through their meta.
val shulkerBoxMeta = shulkerItem.itemMeta as? BlockStateMeta
ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "&7My cool gray shulker!")