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Сontent of the directory is only partially bonded in Docker Volumes

I have a Node.JS service running in a Docker container that deploys related Docker containers (Docker-outside-of-Docker) through REST.

The actions sequence (inside the NodeJS container):

  1. Create a new folder.
  2. Download an archive with a directory structure and files from a git repository.
  3. Extract the archive (the target folder is also a volume in NodeJS container).
  4. Apply the command chown -R 0755 . to the entire extracted content.
  5. Edit the docker-compose.yml file (nothing special here; all mounted volumes are marked as :rw - read-write).
  6. Run docker-compose up -d.

After running docker-compose up -d, I noticed that some content from the directories specified in volumes does not exist inside the container (ls -la - empty folder, but among the unpacked files, I see that this folder is not empty.).

Why does this happen, and how can I solve this issue?

I have already tried:

  1. running containers as root,
  2. granting privileged mode,
  3. adding sleep before docker-compose up -d,
  4. changing chmod -R 0777 ., chown www-data:www-data,
  5. replacing mv with cp
  6. replacing :rw with :Z

Base OS:

# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"

NodeJS container based on node:20-slim (Debian 12)
Children container based on php:8.2-fpm-alpine3.18

Add some more thoughts:
Inside the container I'm creating, my user is www-data. However, in the nodejs container, the www-data user has UID/GID = 33, while in the alpine container, it is UID/GID = 82 (perhaps this is causing a conflict?).
I believe the issue lies somewhere around here, with file permissions.

UPD: I switched from Debian to Alpine in the NodeJS container, but the issue persists.

UPD: When executing ls -la inside the container, it is evident that some folders (included in the volumes) have a different user as the owner. Attempting to change the user with chown -R 82:82 [folder] results in the error chown: [folder]: Operation not permitted.
However, if stop a container and then execute docker-compose up -d from the root user of the host machine, the container starts, and all permissions are correct.


  • Docker-outside-of-Docker

    I suspect the directories you have given to docker-compose are relative to docker-compose file.

    You are running on docker outside. That means that directories specified with volumes: are directories outside, they are directories on the host where docker daemon is running.

    Because volumes: by default creates an empty directory, most probably you created a bunch of empty directories on the host running docker demon. Consider using the form volumes: - type: bind source: /dir target: /dir so that docker fails with directory not found when directory does not exists as a protection.