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What is the standard way to check a variable is initialised as a number in javascript?

I am trying to test a variable to ensure [a] it is initialised and [b] and is a number before supplying the number as an argument. I have tried to do this using two functions noNil(i) and noNan(i). It makes sense to find if a variable is initialised before testing if it is a number. But it makes little difference which function is called first. The first alert reports undefined while the second alert report nothing. What is the standard way to check a variable is initialised as a number in pure javascript ?


    var i;


    function noNil(i) {
      if (i === undefined){
      let i = -1;
        return i;

    function noNan(i) {         
      if (isNaN(i)) {
      let i = 30;   
        return i;


A bit of context might help. The variable is defined in 5 ways; 0 to 4 select colours from an array. If it is undefined none of the colours is selected.

    let family    = ["yellow", "red", "lime", "cyan","magenta"];
    ctx.fillStyle = family[i];


  • Use typeof i === 'number' to determine whether the value is of the JS number type.

    const checkNumber = i => { if( typeof i !== 'number') throw new Error('Supplied argument is not a number!'); return i;};
    function sum(a, b){
      return checkNumber(a) + checkNumber(b);
    console.log(sum(2, 2));
    var i;
    console.log(sum(i, 2));

    About your use case with selecting colors, you could avoid bothering with numbers:

    let family    = ["yellow", "red", "lime", "cyan","magenta"];
    family[i] && (ctx.fillStyle = family[i]);

    But the main question could be why you are ending up with i not being a number of a proper index of your color array...

    If you want to check strings the topic suddenly becomes much more complex (I don't even cover all cases here like scientific notation):

    var i;
    function isNumber(i) {
      return typeof i === 'number';
    function isNumerish(i) {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(i));
    function isStringNumber(i) {
      return /^-?\d*\.?\d+$/.test(i);
    const checks = [[i, isNumber], [-.5, isNumber], ['-.5a', isNumerish], ['-.5a', isStringNumber], ['-.5', isStringNumber]];
    for(const [num, fn] of checks){
      console.log(num,, fn(num));