I'm currently making a game, and I want my character to shoot projectiles at the enemy. I'm facing an issue where when I click, the bullet doesn't fire. Here's my code so far:
public partial class PotatoCannon : Sprite2D
public Timer cooldown;
public PackedScene boolet { get; set; }
public override void _Ready()
cooldown = GetNode<Timer>("CannonCooldown");
cooldown.Autostart = false;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
RotationDegrees = Math.Abs(RotationDegrees);
if (RotationDegrees%360>=90.0 && RotationDegrees%360<=270.0)
FlipV = true;
FlipV = false;
if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("shoot") && cooldown.TimeLeft == 0)
bullet Bullet = boolet.Instantiate<bullet>();
cooldown.WaitTime = 1;
oh and btw, the error message is
E 0:00:49:0157 PotatoCannon.cs:24 @ void PotatoCannon._PhysicsProcess(Double ): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Exported variables are supposed to be available and settable from the editor Inspector.
However, since that is not working, let us instead load PackedScene
you need:
public PackedScene boolet { get; set; }
public override void _Ready(){
// ...
boolet = GD.Load<PackedScene>(PATH);
Here you need to replace PATH
with the "res://..."
path of the bullet scene you want to instantiate.
By loading it in _Ready
and storing it in the field boolet
, it should be available when you need to instantiate in _PhysicsProcess