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Repeat animation from the beginning every time the element comes into view

I have created an animation that takes a couple of seconds to play. The animation should only run when the element is in view, so I've used whileInView. This works correctly, but when I scroll down (so the element is out of view), the animation seems to run backwards, because when I scroll up again, I can see that the animation does not start from the beginning but from the point that it reached when it ran backwards and when the element came into view again. I want the animation to run from the beginning instead.

I've created a small sandbox to demonstrate the issue:

import "./styles.css";
import { motion } from "framer-motion";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: "1000px" }}>
        initial={{ x: 0 }}
        whileInView={{ x: 300 }}
        transition={{ duration: 5, ease: "linear" }}
          The box should be moving now. Scroll down and then up again. The
          animation will not instantly reset but run backwards.

When you open the sandbox, the blue box will move. The animation takes 5 seconds. Scroll down and then up again (within five seconds). The animation will run from some point but not from the start.

How can I make the animation run from the start whenever the element comes into view?


    • I used useInView to track when the div was scrolled past with useEffect to be called when this changed. useInView reference

    • When its in view it runs your animation & when out of view does a quick reverse animation (maybe this second part can be done better but it works).

    • I also used useAnimate instead of the div definitions see more about useAnimate here.

    • I edited the App.js on your codesandbox but don't have an account to save and share a link. If you paste the below code in your sandbox's App.js it should give you what you are after

    import "./styles.css";
    import { motion, useInView, useAnimate  } from "framer-motion";
    import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
    export default function App() {
      const [scope, animate] = useAnimate()
      const motionDiv = useRef(null)
      const isInView = useInView(motionDiv)
          animate("div", { x: 300 }, { duration:5, ease: "linear" })
          animate("div", { x: 0 }, { duration:0 })
      },[isInView, animate])
      return (
        <div ref={scope}  style={{ height: "1000px" }} >
        <div ref={motionDiv}>
              The box should be moving now. Scroll down and then up again. The
              animation will not instantly reset but run backwards.