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Patching StockForecasted Javascript Odoo

Could someone help me how to patch StockForecasted in Odoo16?

class StockForecasted extends Component{
    async _getReportValues(){
        ​   ​this.resModel = this.context.active_model || (this.context.params && this.context.params.active_model);
    ​   ​....

I tried this below code but did not work

/** @odoo-module **/
import { patch } from '@web/core/utils/patch';
import { StockForecasted } from "@stock/stock_forecasted/stock_forecasted";
patch(StockForecasted.prototype, 'test_my_stock.StockForecasted', {
    async _getReportValues(){
        this.resModel = this.context.active_model || (this.context.params && this.context.params.active_model);
        if (!this.resModel) {
            if (this.props.action.res_model) {
                const actionModel = await'ir.model', [Number(this.props.action.res_model)], ['model']);
                if (actionModel.length && actionModel[0].model) {
                    this.resModel = actionModel[0].model
            } else if (this.props.action._originalAction) {
                const originalContextAction = JSON.parse(this.props.action._originalAction).context;
                if (originalContextAction) {
                    this.resModel = originalContextAction.active_model

Browser showed 'undefined'. I think this is because this class is not 'export'. But I cannot export this class. This is Odoo code base.


  • This happens because Odoo failed to import it from stock/stock_forecasted/stock_forecasted
    You should see the following error in the console:

    TypeError: StockForecasted is undefined

    If you check the stock/static/src/stock_forecasted/stock_forecasted.js file, you will see that they added the StockForecasted component to actions registry as replenish_report


    /** @odoo-module **/
    import { patch } from '@web/core/utils/patch';
    import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
    import "@stock/stock_forecasted/stock_forecasted";
    const actionRegistry = registry.category("actions");
    const StockForecasted = actionRegistry.get('replenish_report');
    patch(StockForecasted.prototype, 'test_my_stock.StockForecasted', {
        async _getReportValues(){
            await this._super(...arguments);