I need to exercise some code in data mapping functions. For this, I need a proxy that returns an iterable array with one element (itself; an iterable array) when any property is requested. This will activate all loops and property checks in the data mapper layer (not shown here).
Something like this:
p = new Proxy([], {
get(obj, prop) {
if(prop === 'length') return obj.length
if(prop === 'push') return obj.push
if(p.length === 0) p.push(p)
return p
This starts off well:
> p.any.length
but fails here:
> for(let v of p.any){console.log(v)}
Uncaught TypeError: p.any is not iterable
I need the loop to iterate and console.log one element:
> p.any
Proxy [
<ref *1> [ Proxy [ [Circular *1], [Object] ] ],
{ get: [Function: get] }
Some proxy docs and guides cover the in
and object but do not cover the of
and array.
The error occurs because the for..of
loop will query the proxy object with the @@iterator
symbol property, and your code will react by returning p
, and not an iterator as is what Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]
The solution is simple: just like you let the access to length
and push
let through, also do the same with symbol properties.
Another thing you may consider is to not do p.push(p)
, but obj.push(p)
. That way you can ignore a push
that is issued by the user, and can perform this action as the first action.
Resulting code:
const p = new Proxy([], {
get(obj, prop) {
if (obj.length === 0) obj.push(p);
if (prop === 'length' || typeof prop === "symbol") return obj[prop];
return p;
for (let v of p) {
Maybe you should also let other property accesses pass through, like array methods (forEach
, reduce
, map
, filter
,... etc).