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How to better encapsulate GPU memory to achieve RAII-like characteristics

I use the GpuMatrix to wrap the gpu memory malloc/free and gpu memory copy, just like this

template <typename T, size_t N, size_t M>
class GpuMatrix {
  const size_t HeightDim = N;
  const size_t WidthDim = M;
  using DataType = T;

  const size_t ByteSize = HeightDim * WidthDim * sizeof(DataType);

  GpuMatrix() = default;

  ~GpuMatrix() = default;

  bool CopyFromCpuData(const DataType* cpu_data, size_t size) {
    assert(size * sizeof(DataType) == ByteSize);
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(_data, cpu_data, size * sizeof(DataType),
    return true;

  bool CopyToCpuData(DataType* cpu_data, size_t size) {
    assert(size * sizeof(DataType) == ByteSize);
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(cpu_data, _data, size * sizeof(DataType),
    return true;
  __device__ size_t GetByteSize() { return ByteSize; }

  bool DestroyGpuMemory() {
    return true;

  bool MallocGpuMemory() {
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void**)&_data, ByteSize));
    return true;
  // not saft
  __device__ DataType& at(size_t y, size_t x) {
    return _data[y * WidthDim + x];

  DataType* _data;

but it has some problem, such as the memory can't free memory cannot be automatically released in the destructor function, and the struct must use Value-passing method parameter, because in the kernel function, no variables from the CPU can be used ,such as

template <typename T, size_t N, size_t M, size_t Z>
__global__ void _multiplication_matrix(GpuMatrix<T, N, M> x,
                                       GpuMatrix<T, M, Z> y,
                                       GpuMatrix<T, N, Z> z) {
  int tid_x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

so what can i do ?

I want to get a Class which has better wrap for gpu memory


  • For non-trivially copyable or non-trivially-destructible kernel arguments, kernel launches do not follow standard C++ behavior.

    The programming guide lists the restriction. In your case, the implicit wrapper function for the kernel call copy-constructs a copy of the matrix, and deallocates it. No constructor or destructor is called from device code.

    I would recommend using an existing library for memory management such as Thrust, and use a data view in the kernel which holds the pointers, but does not do memory management. Following code gives an example.

    #include <cstdio>
    #include <thrust/device_vector.h>
    struct B{
        thrust::device_vector<int> buffer;
        struct View{
            int* buffer;
            int myFunc1(){
        B(int N) : buffer(N){}
        View view(){
            return View{};
        operator View(){
            return view();
    void kernel(B::View b){
        b.buffer[0] = 42;
    int main(){
        B b(1000);
        //kernel<<<1,1>>>(b); //this is also fine, performs implicit conversion to view
        int i;
        cudaMemcpy(&i,, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        printf("buffer[0] is %d\n", i); //prints 42