I have a theoretical class Name_Order, that has a string Name
and a int Order
I need to indicate that two Name_Order
's are different, if the pair NameOrder is different, that is, or name or order are different.
Now, overriding Equals no problemo, but I have some "issues" with GetHashCode:
Public Class Name_Order
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Order As Integer
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
If TypeOf obj Is Name_Order Then
Dim no = DirectCast(obj, Name_Order)
Return Me.Name = no.Name AndAlso Me.Order = no.Order
Return MyBase.Equals(obj)
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
Dim hcName = 0
If Me.Name IsNot Nothing Then
hcName = Me.Name.GetHashCode
End If
Dim hcOrder = Me.Order.GetHashCode
Return hcName + hcOrder
End Function
End Class
In that case, summing the hashcodes, leave a (small, but real) possibility that two distinct Name_Orders with different names or orders be "identical".
Say, adding the 7
+ 154
gives the same result as adding 154
+ 7
An alternative override of that method?
Firstly, while avoiding collisions is good, it isn't a problem if there are collisions. But a common approach is something like:
return 7 * x.GetHashCode() + y.GetHashCode();
This is more noticeable in, for example, a point/position, where it would be nice to avoid obvious diagonal collisions like (2,3) vs (3,2).
A much bigger problem in your code is that the properties in the hash/equals are mutable; if they get changed, any usage in dictionaries etc will stop working. You should prefer read-only key values.