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Why do Oculus SDK Unity VR interactables cease to function when hand tracking is temporarily lost?

I'm developing with the Oculus interaction SDK in Unity and I'm having trouble with hand tracking. All the interactables and grabbables work fine until I lose hand tracking. IFf I lose hand tracking while grabbing a grabbable object, all interactables stop working. Hand tracking returns as expected, but I can't use an poke interactables or grabbables.

I'm using a mix of poke interactables and grabbable objects with One Grab Transformers attatched. Each grabbable object has a HandGrabInteractable child. I'm just using the default "Grabbable" script with the SDK.

If I'm actively grabbing something (in this case a throttle) and I temporarily lose hand tracking (replicated by covering cameras with my other hand), all interactables fail to work afterwards. I get my hand tracking back as expected, but I can't grab or interact with anything. I should be able to reach back out and regrab the object I was interacting with before, or any other object for that matter.

Edit: I've also just noticed that the interactions only fail on the hand that was actively interacting with something when tracking was lost.


  • For anyone looking at this stumped in the future: This only happens when running over the link cable in the Unity Editor. Building the app fixes this issue.