Search code examples

Why does this code return a nonsensical cell address

So, I have this bit of code in my program


Dim codigo As Integer
Dim xCell As String

codigo = Text_CodPro.Text

xCell = Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(codigo, Range("B3:B3000"), 0)).Address
ActiveCell.Value = xCell

It should find me the address of a cell that is, for example, in B6, instead, it says the match address is D1, an empty cell. For the life of me I can't figure out what I did wrong here.


  • Try this - a few suggestions for changes in the code

    Dim rngSrch As Range
    Dim codigo As Long   'prefer Long over Integer
    Dim m As Variant     'so you can capture an error value if there's no match
    Set rngSrch = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Produtos").Range("B3:B3000")
    codigo = 3 'CLng(Text_CodPro.Text) 'convert to Long
    m = Application.Match(codigo, rngSrch, 0) 'no `Worksheetfunction` = no run-time error if no match
    If Not IsError(m) Then 'got a match?
        Planilha1.Range("A3").Value = rngSrch.Cells(m).Address
        MsgBox "no match for " & codigo
    End If