I have a react app that I'm trying to deploy to a subdirectory of a site - e.g., https://example.com/myapp. The server uses Apache. I've configured package.json, BrowserRouter, and .htaccess like this:
"homepage": "https://example.com/myapp/"
<BrowserRouter basename="/myapp">
<Route path="/*" element={<App />} />
FallbackResource ./index.html
In general, this works exactly as it should, with one major exception.
If I try https://example.com/myapp/users - that works perfectly.
However, if I try https://example.com/myapp/user/{userId}, I get an error.
This is the case even though I have a route specified for that:
<Route path="user/:userId" element={<UserProfile />} />
It does work perfectly when I'm testing in Development mode at localhost:3000.
I think the issue is that, when the user requests https://example.com/myapp/user, Apache applies the .htaccess file in the https://example.com/myapp subdirectory.
But, when the user requests https://example.com/myapp/user/7, it's looking for a sub-sub-sub-folder that doesn't exist, doesn't find the .htaccess file, and so throws an error.
So, long story short - is there a way to handle this case?
According to the Create React App Serving apps with client side routing docs, the .htaccess
file in the public directory should look similar to, or contain, the following rules:
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]
This should return the root index.html file for all page requests into your React app.