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Excel Multiselect Without Closing

I want to create an excel multiselect without the box closing everytime you select an item. I have built out the solution posted here regarding the excel and VBA:

But want a more user friendly approach that the box wont close until I click away - just like how it is with normal application.

How can I build this out? Appreciate the help


  • Here's a basic example using an ActiveX listbox placed on the worksheet and named lstMulti (set the control's multiselect property to 1)

    It will show the listbox over a cell when the cell is double-clicked. When clicking away from the cell it will update the cell with any changes in the selections.

    In the worksheet code module:

    Option Explicit
    Const RNG_LIST_FILL As String = "J1:J10"    'or wherever your list of values is
    Const RNG_MULTI As String = "A2:A10"        'multi-select appears in this range on double-click
    Const VAL_SEP As String = "|"               'cell value separator
    Dim currCell As Range
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
        Dim lb As Object, v, arr, i As Long
        Set lb = Me.lstMulti
        Debug.Print "double-click     ", Target.Address
        If Not Application.Intersect(Me.Range(RNG_MULTI), Target) Is Nothing Then
            lb.Visible = True        'show, position and size, and fill the listbox
            lb.Width = Target.Width
            lb.Height = 200
            lb.Top = Target.Top
            lb.Left = Target.Left
            lb.ListFillRange = "J1:J10"
            v = Target.Value
            If Len(v) > 0 Then  'any existing values?
                arr = Split(v, VAL_SEP)
                For i = 0 To lb.ListCount - 1
                    'select any previously-selected values
                    If Not IsError(Application.Match(lb.List(i), arr, 0)) Then
                        lb.Selected(i) = True
                   End If
                Next i
            End If
            Set currCell = Target 'remember where we showed the list
            Cancel = True         'don't enter cell edit mode
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim lb As Object, i As Long, sep As String, s As String
        Set lb = Me.lstMulti
        Debug.Print "selection changed", Target.Address
        If Not currCell Is Nothing Then 'any previously-selected cell?
            s = ""
            For i = 0 To lb.ListCount - 1
                If lb.Selected(i) Then
                    s = s & sep & lb.List(i) 'build a string of any selected values
                    sep = VAL_SEP
                End If
            Next i
            currCell.Value = s       'populate the list to the cell
            Set currCell = Nothing   'clear the current cell varaible
        End If
        lb.Visible = False           'hide the listbox
    End Sub