I am trying to get the correct statusCode from a response entity, but when I make the request with insomnia, the ResponseEntity
is shown as an object but the actual statusCode its always 200
, even when y manually set it to be a 400
This is my code:
public ResponseEntity<?> getTipoArchivos(@PathParam("id")String idProceso) throws Exception{
Optional<List<TipoArchivoDTO>> respuesta = Optional.ofNullable(tramiteInt.getAttachmentTypes(idProceso));
if (!respuesta.isPresent()) {
HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
responseHeaders.set("#status#", "400");
ResponseEntity<String> respuesta1 = new ResponseEntity<String>("El codigo del proceso solo debe contener tres caracteres en mayuscula", responseHeaders, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
return respuesta1;
return new ResponseEntity<List<TipoArchivoDTO>>(respuesta.get(), HttpStatus.OK);
And this is what i get: ActualResponse what im doing wrong here? thanks for your time
I don't think ResponseEntity works with Dropwizard (I assume that's what you're using based on the annotations) since that comes from Spring - org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
For Dropwizard you should use: javax.ws.rs.core.Response