I am converting some old mui styling to use the sx
attribute and have seen that you can specify styles as different breakpoints with sx = {{ someCssProp: { xs: ..., md: ...
I have previously been using theme.breakpoints.only
for some of my stylings and after reading the official docs on breakpoint usage, it sounds like the xs, md, ...
usage within sx
will only apply theme.breakpoints.up
... meaning that if I want styling only at xs
, doing something like:
<Box sx={{background: {xs: 'blue'}}}>Some content</Box>
Will mean that the Box
has a blue background from xs...
Is there a way in which I can replicate my .only
use case?
As you've noticed, the breakpoints object syntax only applies going "up" (larger) per the docs:
Breakpoints as an object
The first option for breakpoints is to define them as an object, using the breakpoint values as keys. Note that each property for a given breakpoint also applies to all larger breakpoints in the set. For example,
width: { lg: 100 }
is equivalent totheme.breakpoints.up('lg')
That does mean that with your current code the Box
has a blue background from xs
Since you're trying to define styles for only
one particular breakpoint, you will need to define your own behavior, using the theme breakpoints helper functions, in the sx
prop. For example:
sx={(theme) => ({
[theme.breakpoints.only("sm")]: {
backgroundColor: 'blue'
Some content
Working CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/mui-breakpoints-in-sx-only-yr7h42?file=/demo.tsx