I am very new to the test automation.
I try to implement the POM model testing using an example I found on the web.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
namespace POMExample.PageObjects
internal class HomePage
private IWebDriver driver;
public HomePage(IWebDriver driver)
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.InitElements(driver, this);
[FindsBy(How = How.CssSelector, Using = ".fusion-main-menu a[href*='about']")]
private IWebElement about;
[FindsBy(How = How.ClassName, Using = "fusion-main-menu-icon")]
private IWebElement searchIcon;
public void goToPage()
public AboutPage goToAboutPage()
return new AboutPage(driver);
using NUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using POMExample.PageObjects;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace POMExample
public class TestClass
private IWebDriver driver;
public void SetUp()
driver = new ChromeDriver();
public void SearchTextFromAboutPage()
HomePage home = new HomePage(driver);
AboutPage about = home.goToAboutPage();
ResultPage result = about.search("selenium c#");
public void TearDown()
However POM Indicates errors:
The type or namespace name 'PageObjects' does not exist in the namespace 'OpenQA.Selenium.Support'
The name 'PageFactory' does not exist in the current context
see the screenshot below:
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
Do I understand it right PageFactory is deprecated now ? Is it the reason? What can I use instead? Can somebody give me a link, advice, please
You're correct - Selenium "PageFactory" is deprecated as of v3.11:
PageFactory in C# is deprecated as of version 3.11. This is actually a great change because it prevents usage of a class that is not recommended by the Selenium contributors. Furthermore, not using PageFactory will prevent users from many weird element exceptions that aren’t experienced when using a simple runtime element locator.
The link continues:
This in no way means that you should stop using Page Objects Pattern. This is totally a separate concept. You can use Page Object Pattern without the PageFactory.cs. The latter is just a Selenium implementation that has no relation with a design pattern.
Avoiding PageFactory is very simple using Acceptance Test Driven Automation. Here’s an example of a class that meets all Page Object best practices:
public class ProductsPage : BasePage { private readonly string _pageUrlPart; public ProductsPage(IWebDriver driver) : base(driver) { _pageUrlPart = "inventory.html"; } // An element can be located using ExpectedConditions through an explicit wait public bool IsLoaded => Wait.UntilIsDisplayedById("inventory_filter_container"); //elements are not accessible for the external test API private IWebElement LogoutLink => _driver.FindElement(By.Id("logout_sidebar_link")); // An element can also be located without ExpectedConditions private IWebElement HamburgerElement => _driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("bm-burger-button")); public int ProductCount => _driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("inventory_item")).Count; //We are using Composition to have one page object living in another page object public CartComponent Cart => new CartComponent(_driver); public void Logout() { HamburgerElement.Click(); LogoutLink.Click(); } }