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How to Send Data to the Activity from a Foreground Service in Android?

I need to find a way to send data from the foreground service to the main activity. I'm considering using an interface in the foreground service for this purpose and seeking advice on its implementation. Sending data to the activity can sometimes occur every few seconds and consecutively. What do you think is the best and most efficient solution?

Solutions tried:

  1. Create Static Variables and Methods: May lead to global state issues and memory leaks.
  2. Create a Bound Service (Best for Two-way Communication): Uncertainty about its impact on background service running.
  3. Use Intent to Send Data to Service: May not be optimal for frequent updates.
  4. Use Broadcast Receiver: Not reliable for frequent and high-volume communication.


  • The best approach is to use an interface. Define an interface like DataUpdateListener and create a private field with its own setter in your service.

    in your main activity implement the interface using setter method, and whenever you want to publish data check if listener is not null, pass data to it.

    public interface DataUpdateListener {
        void onDataUpdated(String data);

    your need to change your service and add listeners:

    public class YourService extends Service {
        private DataUpdateListener dataUpdateListener;
        // Instance of the local binder
        private final IBinder binder = new LocalBinder();
        public void setDataUpdateListener(DataUpdateListener listener) {
            this.dataUpdateListener = listener;
        private void sendDataToActivity(String data) {
            if (dataUpdateListener != null) {
        public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
            public YourService getService() {
                return YourService.this;
    // Method to return the local binder
    public IBinder onBind(@NonNull Intent intent) {
        return binder;

    also you need to define localbinder in your service:

    in your main activity implement interface :

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements DataUpdateListener {
        public void onDataUpdated(String data) {
            // handle the received data here

    and for binding interface to your service, you can do it like this:

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements DataUpdateListener {
        private YourService foregroundService;
        private boolean isServiceBound = false;
        protected void onStart() {
            Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(this, YourService.class);
            bindService(serviceIntent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
        protected void onStop() {
            if (isServiceBound) {
                isServiceBound = false;
        private final ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
            public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
                YourService.LocalBinder binder = (YourService.LocalBinder) iBinder;
                foregroundService = binder.getService();
                isServiceBound = true;
            public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
                foregroundService = null;
                isServiceBound = false;