I need to create some JSpinner controls where I can detect the button presses, whilst using the current look and feel. I have found I can do this easily enough as follows:
class CustomSpinnerUI extends BasicSpinnerUI {
protected Component createNextButton() {
// Add custom ActionListener.
protected Component createPreviousButton() {
// Add custom ActionListener.
The problem is that by doing this I end up with a nasty-looking spinner which doesn't use the same look and feel as the rest of my UI. I'm currently using Nimbus
but I need to support different L&F configurations.
I thought about possibly setting up some sort of dynamic proxy, but couldn't find any suitable Spinner
interfaces to enable me to do that.
Can anyone think of a way around the problem? I figure I either need to get at the button ActionListeners
without subclassing BasicSpinnerUI
, or work out a way to have my CustomSpinnerUI
use the correct L&F.
Edit: "default look and feel" -> "current look and feel".
a dirty technical answer to (concededly assumed) problem "how to access the buttons for hooking-in a custom actionListener" is to loop through the spinner's children and add the listeners to the buttons, identified by their name:
JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner();
Action action = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
LOG.info("button " + ((Component) e.getSource()).getName());
for (Component child : spinner.getComponents()) {
if ("Spinner.nextButton".equals(child.getName())) {
((JButton) child).addActionListener(action);
if ("Spinner.previousButton".equals(child.getName())) {
((JButton) child).addActionListener(action);