I am writing an extension to the survey
R package. My function estimates kurtosis with complex survey data, but I am not sure how to get the standard error of these statistics, like the output from existing functions like svymean
and svytotal
svykurt <- function(
na.rm = FALSE,
excess = TRUE
) {
if (!inherits(design, "survey.design"))
stop("design is not a survey design")
x <- model.frame(x, design$variables, na.action = na.pass)
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (ncol(x) > 1)
stop("Only calculate kurtosis one variable at a time")
x <- x[!is.na(x)]
pweights <- 1/design$prob
psum <- sum(pweights)
mean_x <- svymean(x, design, na.rm = na.rm)
var_x <- svyvar(x, design, na.rm = na.rm)
m4 <- sum(pweights * (x - mean_x)^4) / psum
kurt <- m4 / var_x^2
if (excess) {
kurt <- kurt - 3
class(kurt) <- "svykurt"
print.svykurt <- function(x) {
m <- as.matrix(x, ncol = 1)
rownames(m) <- names(x)
colnames(m) <- "kurtosis"
At the moment, I am just printing kurtosis without the standard error.
dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)
svykurt(x = ~api00, dclus1, na.rm = TRUE)
However, I eventually want to assign the output to class svystat
and print a matrix containing both values, as in svymean(x = ~api00, dclus1, na.rm = TRUE)
Looking at survey
source code, I can see that svymean
and svytotal
use a higher-level function called svrecvar
, e.g.,
attr(total, "var")<-v<-svyrecvar(x/design$prob,design$cluster,
design$strata, design$fpc,
I am just not sure how to apply this to my case.
If you want the kurtosis, you are much better off working with svycontrast
than with svyrecvar
. You can write the variance and fourth central moment in terms of the raw moments (following the answer here) and then transform
> moments<-svymean(~enroll+I(enroll^2)+I(enroll^3)+I(enroll^4), dstrat)
> moments
mean SE
enroll 5.9528e+02 1.8509e+01
I(enroll^2) 5.4895e+05 4.0250e+04
I(enroll^3) 7.5137e+08 1.0066e+08
I(enroll^4) 1.3348e+12 2.7683e+11
> central_moments<-svycontrast(moments, list(mu4=quote(-3*enroll^4+6*enroll^2*`I(enroll^2)`-4*enroll*`I(enroll^3)`+`I(enroll^4)`),
> central_moments
nlcon SE
mu4 3.3618e+11 1.0458e+11
sigma2 1.9459e+05 2.3116e+04
> svycontrast(central_moments, quote(mu4/(sigma2*sigma2)))
nlcon SE
contrast 8.8783 1.5678
As a general guide, if you have an explicit formula for a statistic in terms of moments or cell counts or proportions, it's easier to use svycontrast
and if you have an estimation equation or maximisation problem it's easier to use svyrecvar
To use svyrecvar
you would need to work out or look up the influence functions for the kurtosis, which is likely to be feasible but a bit annoying. If you do work out the influence functions, it's actually more straightforward to use svytotal
to work out the variance
For example, in svyVGAM:::svy_vglm.survey.design
there's a lot of code to fit a VGAM model and work out its influence functions, followed by
v <- vcov(svytotal(inffuns, design))
dimnames(v) <- list(names(coef(fit)), names(coef(fit)))
to do the variance computation.