I am pretty new to the system of the modular project.
For the context, I began a JavaFX project in version 17 and I have now a module-info.java
file that I never heard before.
With more informations I begin to understand how it works. But I have an issue.
In my project I use Maven and I add this dependency :
I want to use the @NotNull
, @Nullable
etc... annotations in my project. But when I try to use it I have this error when I run :
java: cannot find symbol
symbol: class NotNull
location: class be.machigan.dvdindexer.services.DVDFolder
So I was thinking of add it to the module-info.java
file like this :
module DVDIndexer {
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires com.google.gson;
requires org.jetbrains.annotations; // <- here
opens be.machigan.dvdindexer to javafx.fxml, com.google.gson;
opens be.machigan.dvdindexer.services to com.google.gson;
exports be.machigan.dvdindexer;
exports be.machigan.dvdindexer.controllers;
opens be.machigan.dvdindexer.controllers to javafx.fxml;
But when I run it, I have this error :
java: module not found: org.jetbrains.annotations
And whith that error the annotations isn't recognized by the IDE (like the other situation above).
I have search on Internett and I have learn that the error can occurs because of the dependency doesn't have a module-info.class
file. But I search on the Github of the dependency and there is a module-info.java
. Here.
And even that, for the futur I don't know how to add a dependency that doesn't have a module-info.java
Thanks in advance for the help !
Your problem is not related to using non-modular dependencies in a modular context. As you've discovered, the dependency in question is modular; it has a module-info
descriptor. And the name of this module is org.jetbrains.annotations
The problem is that the dependency is a compile-time only dependency. You've explicitly marked it as such by using <scope>compile</scope>
in your POM file1. That means Maven will place the dependency on the module-path at compile-time but not at run-time. This leads to an error because you have:
requires org.jetbrians.annotations;
That tells the Java Platform Module System that the org.jetbrains.annotations
module is required by the DVDIndexer
module at both compile-time and run-time. To solve this problem, you need to have the following directive instead:
requires static org.jetbrains.annotations;
The static
keyword in this context means the required module is optional at run-time (but still required at compile-time). The main purpose of this feature is to allow a module to require another module at compile-time without forcing said other module to be present at run-time. In other words, it allows for compile-time only dependencies.
1. This is a good thing. The java-annotations library is designed to be a compile-time only dependency. Its purpose is to provide better documentation and possibly allow code analyzers to better analyze code for potential errors. But the library itself defines no run-time behavior, and the annotations all have a retention policy of CLASS
(meaning they are not visible via reflection). Thus, there's no reason to require the dependency at run-time.