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Injected Controllers throw NullpointerException in JavaFX

In this application a HBox mainView contains a treeView and an overView containing a Button "A". Pressing the button will make the overView disappear and ViewA appear instead.


<?import javafx.scene.layout.HBox?>

<HBox xmlns:fx="" fx:id="mainView" fx:controller="com.desktop.controllers.MainController">
        <fx:include source="tree-view.fxml" fx:id="treePane"/>
        <fx:include source="overview-view.fxml" fx:id="overviewPane"/>
        <fx:include source="A-view.fxml" visible="false" fx:id="APane"/>


<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.VBox?>

<VBox xmlns:fx="" fx:id="overviewPane" fx:controller="com.desktop.controllers.OverviewController">
        <Button fx:id="AButton" text="A" onAction="#handleSwitchToA"/>


<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
<VBox xmlns:fx="" fx:id="aPane" fx:controller="com.desktop.controllers.AController">
            <Label fx:id="aLabel" text="A"/>

Since the application is very small I do not want to create multiple scenes and pass the treeView as reference. Instead I want to maintain one scene and just toggle the visibility between the Views A ... etc from the overview. I tried to copy the injection of MainController like in this example


public class MainController implements Initializable {
    private Pane rootPane;
    private HBox mainView;
    private AController aController;
    private OverviewController overviewController;
    private VBox overviewPane;
    private Pane aPane;
    public void handleSwitchToA() {

    public void setStartPane(Pane rootPane) {
        this.rootPane = rootPane;
    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
        assert overviewPane != null : "fx:id=\"overviewPane\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'main-view.fxml'.";


public class OverviewController implements Initializable {
    private VBox overviewPane;
    private MainController mainController;
    public void setMainController(MainController mainController) {
        this.mainController = mainController;
    public VBox getOverviewPane() {
        return overviewPane;
    void handleSwitchToA(ActionEvent actionEvent) {mainController.handleSwitchToA();}
    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {


public class TestApplication extends Application {
    private MainController mainController;
    private TreeController treeController;
    private Stage primaryStage;
    Pane rootPane;
    Scene rootScene;

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
        this.primaryStage = primaryStage;
        FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/com/desktop/main-view.fxml"));
        rootPane = fxmlLoader.load();
        rootScene = new Scene(rootPane);
        mainController = fxmlLoader.getController();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Unfortunately I run into an initialization issue here:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke 
"com.desktop.controllers.OverviewController.setMainController(com.desktop.controllers.MainController)" because "this.overviewController" is null
    at com.madesktop/com.desktop.controllers.MainController.initialize(
    at javafx.fxml@19/javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
    ... 12 more

I tried to track the issue by putting println("") into the initialize() methods of the controllers. The order in which the controllers get initialized is 1.OverViewController 2.AController 3.MainController

I cannot figure out why OverViewController is not initialized. Can anybody help out ?


  • When injecting a nested controller, the field name follows the pattern of <fx:id>Controller. Since you have:

    <fx:include source="overview-view.fxml" fx:id="overviewPane"/>

    That means you need to have overviewPaneController as the name of the field declared in MainController.

    You have a similar problem with aController. In the FXML file, you have fx:id="APane". So, the field name actually needs to be APaneController. Note the capital A there, because that's what you have in the FXML file. I recommend fixing the name in the FXML file to aPane and then use aPaneController as the field name. That additionally makes it align with the corresponding node field:

    private Pane aPane;

    And it makes it so you're following standard Java naming conventions.