For an Angular(v14) application, I have a requirement to "POST the following form-encoded parameters to a given URL for a list of items where n is the zero based index of the lines"
ItemNo[n]=<Item Identifier>
Description[n]=<Item Identifier>
So, for example, 3 items would be like so:
Description[0]=a wonderful item
Description[2]=another thing
On my end, the items I need to POST in the form-encoded format are in an array like so:
{ ItemNo: '1001', Description: 'a wonderful item' },
{ ItemNo: '1002a', Description: 'something' },
{ ItemNo: '1002c', Description: 'another thing' },
So I've been trying to figure out how to get the array of items into the correct format: Form-encoded, without much luck. Hoping someone can help!
I've found quite a few similar questions, (though I'm unsure if I am using the most appropriate search terms) but Angular evolves so quickly that each time I try to implement a suggestion, I find the suggested solution uses one or more depreciated methods, so I've ended up with quite a mess of failed attempts!
I've written a function which will rewrite my array to add the indexing to the keys, so now I've got:
{ ItemNo[0]: '1001', Description[0]: 'a wonderful item' }
{ ItemNo[1]: '1002a', Description[1]: 'something' }
{ ItemNo[2]: '1002c', Description[2]: 'another thing' }
But how can I get this into a form-encoded type? Everything I have tried that seemed promising (most recently DefaultUrlSerializer()) seems to give me results like
(not keyname=value)
Also, on my method, what should the incoming type be, to be posting "form-encoded"? I'm guessing string?
Solution Discarding my extra function to add the indexes to the keys, the final solution is:
doFormParams(items: any[]): HttpParams {
let params = new HttpParams();
items.forEach((item, index) => {
for(const key in item){
params = params.append(`${key}[${index}]`,`${item[key]}`);
return params;
Some users have pointed out that this would be easier to send as a JSON object. I agree, this would be my default. However the third party who has given me this requirement is well established and uses this same method to receive data from many sources, so I don't really expect them to modify their ways just to suit my preference! Once I knew the method I needed, the solution was simple enough.
Use HttpParams class
doFormParams(items: any[]): HttpParams {
let params = new HttpParams();
items.forEach((item, index) => {
// do something
return params;
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
};, params.toString(), { headers });