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MongoDB: Adding projection rule in find returns all properties of document


I have a collection of "Tests", which contains properties like name, category and an array of questions.

I want to select (projection) only one item from the array. I am using the $slice operator inside the selection, like {questions:{$slice:[1,1]}}. However, it returns all other properties of the Test document. But, if I only use {questions:1}, it just returns the questions property from the document.

Playground link to my problem

I want to only return the questions field, with the "sliced" item, but not the other properties from the document, without using verbose "name:0, category:0", since schema might change dynamically. I just want to select the questions field.

A more detailed explanation:

If I run the following query

  "key": 1
  "questions": 1,

I get what I expect, an object with only the "questions" property in it, since that's what I am selecting / projecting with "questions":1.

However, with the following query

  "key": 1
  "questions": {
    "$slice": [1, 1] // <-- The only difference is here compared to previous

It returns the "questions" but also other properties in the document like name, category, etc.


  • There are 2 syntaxes for the $slice operator:


    { $slice: [ <number>, <number> ] }

    and aggregation:

    { $slice: [ <array>, <position>, <n> ] }

    The projection form of the operator behaves like $addFields, as you noticed, while the aggregation form will behave the way you expected.


        {"key": 1},
        {"questions": {
            "$slice": ["$questions", 1, 1] 
