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AppScript: Function not defined

I'm writing basic bread-and-butter HTML and Javascript in Appscript to make a modal dialog. When I click a button, or check a checkbox, a function is supposed to be called. The modal appears, but it can't find the javascript functions (e.g., addRemoveCal), claiming they're undefined.

Here's the html:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <base target="_top"/>

  <?!= include('TemplateSelectCSS'); ?>

  <p>Which templates do you want to create?</p>
    <li><input type="checkbox" value = "makeMonthReviewTemplate_" name="selMR" onchange="addRemoveMR()"/>
      <label for="selMR">Monthly Review</label>
      <input type="checkbox" value = "makeCalendar_" name="selCal" onchange="addRemoveCal()"/>
      <label for="selCal">Calendar</label>
      <input type="checkbox" value = "makeLogTemplate_" name="selLog" onchange="addRemoveLog()"/>
      <label for="selLog">Log</label>
      <input type="checkbox" value = "makeLogExportTemplate_" name="selLogExport" onchange="addRemoveLogEx()"/>
      <label for="selLogExport">Log Export</label>
  <button value="OK" onclick="runFunctionList()"> OK </button>
<?!= include('TemplateSelectJS'); ?>


Here's the referenced html files:


  var functionList =[];
  function addRemoveMR(){

  function addRemoveCal(){

  function addRemoveLog(){

  function addRemoveLogEx(){

  function runFunctionList(){
    functionList.forEach(func = >;;

For the record, I know that the appscript functions have to be public to work, but this doesn't make it past finding the javascript funtions (e.g., addRemove).


  • I tested this out myself and I noticed I was also getting this error in the console when:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '>' (at userCodeAppPanel:20:33)

    I believe that's the root cause of your issue. The HTML isn't being completely parsed because of a parsing error and so your functions never actually get defined (which is why you see that error when you manipulate the UI).

    The bug is coming from:

    function runFunctionList(){
        functionList.forEach(func = >;;

    Notice the space between the = and > in the arrow function. If you change that to:

    function runFunctionList(){
        functionList.forEach(func =>;;

    Everything should work as expected.