I am trying to retriev an array from a mongoose schema usging the aggragate function fron mongoose. I am using nestjs for this project, but the queries are the same:
const notifications = await this.userRepo.aggregate( [
{ $match: { _id: userId } },
{ $unwind: "$notifications" },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$notifications' } }
] );
The problem here is that every time I am getting an empty array. No matter what is inside the document.
Here is a document example:
_id: new ObjectId("6471fe4a0045e48a0c6193ba"),
gateways: [
_id: '5231db1f-b79a-4dc3-a387-6f08ad7b6857',
name: 'Babylon Dev',
right: 'owner'
__v: 0,
notifications: [
type: 'confirm',
title: 'Gateway whitelist request!',
description: '6471fe4a0045e48a0c6193ba wants to share data from gateway 5231db1f-b79a-4dc3-a387-6f08ad7b6857 with you.',
actions: [Array],
from: '6471fe4a0045e48a0c6193ba',
subject: '5231db1f-b79a-4dc3-a387-6f08ad7b6857',
status: 'unread',
_id: new ObjectId("64b6791adbf7bb6eaa528cf2")
Can someone clue me in where am I setting this up wrong?
The result that I want is to get the notifications array:
type: 'confirm',
title: 'Gateway whitelist request!',
description: '6471fe4a0045e48a0c6193ba wants to share data from gateway 5231db1f-b79a-4dc3-a387-6f08ad7b6857 with you.',
actions: [Array],
from: '6471fe4a0045e48a0c6193ba',
subject: '5231db1f-b79a-4dc3-a387-6f08ad7b6857',
status: 'unread',
_id: new ObjectId("64b6791adbf7bb6eaa528cf2")
Also it would help to get/update/delete one element inside the notifications
make sure the userId
is the same type as what is stored in the database. In your case it is an ObjectId
. you can find here how to do it.
const notifications = await this.userRepo.aggregate( [
{ $match: { _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId )} },
{ $unwind: "$notifications" },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$notifications' } }
] );
or you can go the long way without using the utility functions :P
const notifications = await this.userRepo.aggregate( [
{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: [ "$_id", { $toObjectId: userId } ] } } },
{ $unwind: "$notifications" },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$notifications' } }
] );