Search code examples

Get unique ID values from one column then concatenate: Error 13, type mismatch

The code is meant to get unique ID values from one column and then on the other column concatenate it's values based on the unique IDs.

phishLR = defendersSht.Cells.Find(what:="*", After:=Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Row
Dim dc As Object
Dim inputArray As Variant
Dim k As Long

tempEIDCN = phishLC + 1
tempCampaignsCN = phishLC + 2
'Copy values onto temp columns to make them side by side (temp solution until I figure out how to do it with separate columns
defendersSht.Range(Cells(1, tempEIDCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, tempEIDCN).Address).Value2 = _
                                                                                          defendersSht.Range(Cells(1, eidPhishCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, eidPhishCN).Address).Value2
defendersSht.Range(Cells(1, tempCampaignsCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, tempCampaignsCN).Address).Value2 = _
                                                                                                      defendersSht.Range(Cells(1, phishAlarmCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, phishAlarmCN).Address).Value2

Set dc = New Dictionary
inputArray = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(defendersSht.Range(ColLett(tempEIDCN) & "2:" & ColLett(tempCampaignsCN) & phishLR).Value)

'Assuming only have two columns - otherwise need two loops
For k = LBound(inputArray, 2) To UBound(inputArray, 2)
    If Not dc.Exists(inputArray(1, k)) Then
        dc.Add inputArray(1, k), inputArray(2, k)
        dc.Item(inputArray(1, k)) = dc.Item(inputArray(1, k)) & ", " & inputArray(2, k)
    End If
Next k
'Clear values currently in column
defendersSht.Range(Cells(2, eidPhishCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, eidPhishCN).Address).ClearContents
defendersSht.Range(Cells(2, phishAlarmCN).Address, Cells(phishLR, phishAlarmCN).Address).ClearContents

'Output into sheet
defendersSht.Range(ColLett(eidPhishCN) & "2").Resize(UBound(dc.Keys) + 1) = Application.Transpose(dc.Keys)
defendersSht.Range(ColLett(phishAlarmCN) & "2").Resize(UBound(dc.Items) + 1) = Application.Transpose(dc.Items)

'Delete Temp Columns

Set dc = Nothing

I get

type mismatch


If Not dc.Exists(inputArray(1, k)) Then

As a bonus, I'm copying the columns to the next available column in order to keep them together as I can't figure out how to do this with the columns not being consecutive.


  • Option Explicit
    Sub Process()
        Const eidPhishCN = 1
        Const phishAlarmCN = 5
        Dim defendersSht As Worksheet, lastrow As Long, r As Long
        Dim dc, v, k As String
        Dim ar1, ar2, t0 As Single: t0 = Timer
        Set dc = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set defendersSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Defenders")
        With defendersSht
            lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, eidPhishCN).End(xlUp).Row
            ar1 = .Cells(1, eidPhishCN).Resize(lastrow)
            ar2 = .Cells(1, phishAlarmCN).Resize(lastrow)
            For r = 2 To lastrow
                k = Trim(ar1(r, 1))
                v = Trim(ar2(r, 1))
                If dc.Exists(k) Then
                    dc.Item(k) = dc.Item(k) & ", " & v
                    dc.Add k, v
                End If
            ' clear existing
            .Cells(2, eidPhishCN).Resize(lastrow - 1).ClearContents
            .Cells(2, phishAlarmCN).Resize(lastrow - 1).ClearContents
            ' save unique values
            .Cells(2, eidPhishCN).Resize(dc.Count) = Application.Transpose(dc.keys)
            .Cells(2, phishAlarmCN).Resize(dc.Count) = Application.Transpose(dc.items)
        End With
        MsgBox lastrow - 1 & " rows scanned", vbInformation, "Took " & Format(Timer - t0, "0.0 secs")
    End Sub