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Do tidyr::crossing works with curly-curly within a function?

f <- function(db, entity, trait) {
  db %>%
    summarise(i = crossing({{ trait }},{{ trait }}),
              .by = {{ entity }}) 

db <- data.frame(
  entity = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
  beta = c("X", "Y", "X", "Z")


Is there a way to make this work? I have the impression that tidyr does not work very well with functional programming in general. Should I resort to expand_grid?


  • Option 1: dplyr::cross_join

    You can achieve it entirely in the dplyr scope.

    db <- data.frame(
      entity = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
      beta = c("X", "Y", "X", "Z")
    f1 <- function(db, entity, trait) {
      db %>%
        reframe(cross_join(pick({{ trait }}), pick({{ trait }})),
                .by = {{ entity }}) 
    f1(db, entity, beta)
    #   entity beta.x beta.y
    # 1      A      X      X
    # 2      A      X      Y
    # 3      A      Y      X
    # 4      A      Y      Y
    # 5      B      X      X
    # 6      B      X      Z
    # 7      B      Z      X
    # 8      B      Z      Z

    Option 2: base::expand.grid

    You can also use base::expand.grid(). Note that you cannot replace expand.grid() with tidyr::expand_grid() here.

    f2 <- function(db, entity, trait) {
      db %>%
        reframe(expand.grid({{ trait }}, {{ trait }}),
                .by = {{ entity }})
    f2(db, entity, beta)
    #   entity Var1 Var2
    # 1      A    X    X
    # 2      A    Y    X
    # 3      A    X    Y
    # 4      A    Y    Y
    # 5      B    X    X
    # 6      B    Z    X
    # 7      B    X    Z
    # 8      B    Z    Z

    Option 3: tidyr::expand

    To involve tidyr, you should use expand() instead of expand_grid() and crossing(). Note that expand() will de-duplicate and sort its inputs.

    f3 <- function(db, entity, trait) {
      db %>%
        group_by({{ entity }}) %>%
        tidyr::expand({{ trait }}, {{ trait }}) %>%
    f3(db, entity, beta)
    # # A tibble: 8 × 3
    #   entity beta...1 beta...2
    #   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>   
    # 1 A      X        X       
    # 2 A      X        Y       
    # 3 A      Y        X       
    # 4 A      Y        Y       
    # 5 B      X        X       
    # 6 B      X        Z       
    # 7 B      Z        X       
    # 8 B      Z        Z

    Benchmark on a larger dataset

    Efficiency: base::expand.grid > dplyr::cross_join > tidyr::expand

    db_large <- data.frame(
      entity = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 26),
      beta = rep(LETTERS, 3)
      `dplyr::cross_join` = f1(db_large, entity, beta),
      `base::expand.grid` = f2(db_large, entity, beta),
      `tidyr::expand` = f3(db_large, entity, beta),
      check = FALSE
    # # A tibble: 3 × 13
    #   expression           min  median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time
    #   <bch:expr>       <bch:t> <bch:t>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm>
    # 1 dplyr::cross_jo…  8.14ms  8.42ms     117.      123KB     5.31    44     2      377ms
    # 2…  3.19ms  3.63ms     272.      128KB     6.43   127     3      467ms
    # 3 tidyr::expand    11.46ms 11.71ms      83.7     157KB     6.79    37     3      442ms