Example I want to check if x = 2.4 is a multiple of y = 0.2. I have used the modulus operator but it is giving result as false.
I have tried
if (x % y == 0 ) // Giving False
if (x % y == 0.0 ) // Giving False
if (x % y == 0.00 ) // Giving False
Is there another way to check for this?
The BigDecimal class will give you the precision you're looking for.
BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("2.4");
BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal("0.2");
double remainder = x.remainder(y).doubleValue();
Make sure to provide your data as String values, otherwise the same floating-point error will occur.
The BigDecimal#valueOf method will suffice as well.
You can use String#valueOf if need be.
For example,
BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(2.4d);
BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal(0.2d);
double remainder = x.remainder(y).doubleValue();