I am using NodeJS for backend, ReactJs and Cloudspace Design for frontend application. I have a cloudspace design table to list data acquired from backend services. I am able to fetch and provide data into table but can not display total count as expected. The filter method that i used to prevent data in backend service is breaking the total data count. But when I remove the filter method, it returns properly but this time I can not make free text search in search bar. Here is the codeblock for backend service:
const takeAllUsers = async ()=>{
const res = await getUsers();
const users = res.data.getAllUsers.result.map((item: any) => {
if (item.enabled)
return {id: item.email,
firstName: item.givenName,
lastName: item.familyName,
email: item.email,
mobileNumber: item.phoneNumber,
role: item.userRoles.toString(),
profilePicture: item.profilePicture,
status: item.enabled ? 'OK' : 'ERROR',
customerId: item.customerId
}).filter((i:any) => i);
And this is the frontend part:
import * as React from 'react';
import Layout from '../Layout/layout';
import Table from '../Customers/components/CustomTable';
import { SpaceBetween,TableProps, Link, StatusIndicator, StatusIndicatorProps,
CollectionPreferencesProps} from '@cloudscape-design/components';
import UpdateUser from './components/UpdateUser';
import DeleteUser from './components/DeleteUser';
import InviteNewUser from './components/InviteNewUser';
import UsersType from '../../configs/types/Users';
import { userContext } from '../../UserContext/UserContext';
import { UserContextType } from '../../configs/types/UserContextType';
type InstanceState = 'OK' | 'ERROR';
const columnLabel = (column: string) => (sortState: TableProps.LabelData) => {
const ascending = !sortState.descending;
return `${column}, ${sortState.sorted ? `sorted ${ascending ? 'ascending' : 'descending'}` : 'not sorted'}.`;
const stateToStatusIndicator: Record<InstanceState, StatusIndicatorProps> = {
OK: { type: 'success', children: 'Active' },
ERROR: { type: 'error', children: 'Disabled' },
const visibleContentOptions:
ReadonlyArray<CollectionPreferencesProps.VisibleContentOptionsGroup> = [
label: 'Instance properties',
options: [
id: 'id',
label: 'ID',
editable: false,
id: 'firstName',
label: 'First Name',
{ id: 'type', label: 'Type' },
id: 'lastName',
label: 'Last Name',
id: 'email',
label: 'Email',
id: 'mobileNumber',
label: 'Mobile Number',
id: 'officeAddress',
label: 'Office Address',
id: 'role',
label: 'Role',
id: 'profilePicture',
label: 'Profile Picture',
const Users: React.FC = () => {
const { takeAllUsers,allUsers } = React.useContext(userContext) as UserContextType;
const columnsConfig: TableProps.ColumnDefinition<UsersType>[] = [
id: 'id',
header: 'ID',
cell: item => <Link href={`#${item.id}`}>{item.id}</Link>,
ariaLabel: columnLabel('id'),
sortingField: 'id',
id: 'firstName',
header: 'Name',
cell: item => item.firstName || '-',
ariaLabel: columnLabel('Name'),
sortingField: 'name',
{ id: 'lastName', header: 'Last Name', cell: item => item.lastName, ariaLabel: columnLabel('lastName'), sortingField: 'lastName' },
{ id: 'email', header: 'Email', cell: item => item.email, ariaLabel: columnLabel('email'), sortingField: 'email' },
{ id: 'mobileNumber', header: 'Mobile Number', cell: item => item.mobileNumber, ariaLabel: columnLabel('mobileNumber'), sortingField: 'mobileNumber' },
{ id: 'officeAddress', header: 'Office Address', cell: item => item.officeAdress, ariaLabel: columnLabel('officeAdress'), sortingField: 'officeAdress' },
{ id: 'role', header: 'Roles', cell: item => item.role, ariaLabel: columnLabel('role'), sortingField: 'role' },
id: 'status',
header: 'Status',
cell: item => <StatusIndicator {...stateToStatusIndicator[item.status]} />,
ariaLabel: columnLabel('state'),
sortingField: 'status',
id: 'profilePicture',
header: 'Image ID',
cell: item => item.profilePicture,
ariaLabel: columnLabel('imageId'),
sortingField: 'imageId',
const visibleContent=['id','firstName','lastName','email','mobileNumber','officeAddress','role','status','profilePicture'];
const renderCustomerPage = () => {
return (
<SpaceBetween direction="horizontal" size="xs">
return (
{ text: 'Home', href: '/admin' },
{ text: 'Users', href: '/user'}
export default Users;
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Anyway I have found the real problem. The problem is that, users are pre-filtered with respect to their status. Besides, unfortunately there should be pagination to list cognito users since cognito allows at max 60 users to be displayed without pagination.