I am working in python and i want to get a series of 3D images for the molecules I'm using.
I have .mol files stored in my folder and for each of them I would like to obtain a 3D render of its 'stick' representation. With py3Dmol i can get a 3D structure of the molecule, but i can only view it and it is not stored anywhere in python. Here a source (from the author of the package) explaining why images cannot be saved
Do you have any suggestion on how to do automatize the creation of 3D structure images for a set of molecule?
OK , here my attempt, please have a look at Multiple PyMOL Instances in Python Script and Launching From a Script that explains how this works:
Yes it's possible to have independent instances. The API has actually been
around for a long time. For some reason it was never widely adopted and thus is
not very thoroughly tested. Please report any bugs you encounter.
import pymol2
p = pymol2.PyMOL()
p.cmd.png('/tmp/ala.png', 1000, 800, dpi=150, ray=1)
Code :
import pymol2
import os
work_dir = "."
file_folders = os.listdir(work_dir)
mol_files = [item for item in file_folders if os.path.isfile(item) and item.rsplit('.')[1] == 'mol']
for mol_file in mol_files:
p = pymol2.PyMOL()
mol_name = mol_file.rsplit('.')[0]
try :
p.cmd.load(mol_file , mol_name)
p.cmd.hide(representation = 'sticks' , selection = mol_name)
p.cmd.show(representation = 'lines' , selection = mol_name)
p.cmd.do('set ray_opaque_background, 0')
## or to get black background instead of transparent
#p.cmd.do('set ray_opaque_background, 1')
p.cmd.png(mol_name+'.png' , dpi = 400, width = 5000, ray = 1)
except :
print('\nError ----> something is wrong with ', mol_name+'.mol file \n')
print('finished ...............................')
Note that the molecules are oriented on the screen by pymol.cm.orient()
that as per the wiki:
orient aligns the principal components of the atoms in the selection with the XYZ axes. T
AS an example here the pic for GLC from Chemical Components in the PDB GLC : Summary