Input JSON :
"mtime": "2023-03-14T01:00:00Z",
"sid": "46",
"tsa": "9.0",
"tha": "7.8",
"hra": "85.0",
"tsf": null,
"tss": null,
"ens": "0.0",
"dvt": null,
"vvt": "4.8",
"plu": "0.1",
"hct": "26.0"
Desired Output JSON :
"Date": "2023-03-14 01:00:00",
"data": [
"code": "tsa",
"value": "9.0"
"code": "tha",
"value": "7.8"
"code": "hra",
"value": "85.0"
"code": "tsf",
"value": null
"code": "tss",
"value": null
"code": "ens",
"value": "0.0"
"code": "dvt",
"value": null
"code": "vvt",
"value": "4.8"
"code": "plu",
"value": "0.1"
"code": "hct",
"value": "26.0"
"stationname": "Station"
You can use the following transformation
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"mtime": "Date", // rename the attribute
"*": "data.&"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"Date": "&",
"data": {
"*": { // loop through all the attributes within the "data" array
"$": "data[#2].code",
"@": "data[#2].value"
"#Station": "stationname" // add an attribute with fixed value
{ // just to sort the elements in the deisred order
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"Date|data": "&",
"stationname": "&"
{ //
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"DPortion1": "=substring(@(1,Date),0,10)",
"DPortion2": "=substring(@(1,Date),11,19)",
"Date": "=concat(@(1,DPortion1),' ',@(1,DPortion2))" // overwrite the Date's value by portions
{ // get rid of the DPortion parameters
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"DPortion*": ""