I was attempting to write a program that prints every prime number which is smaller than the user input. So I first tried a portion of the program that prints a message that users to induce the user input with printf
, but it doesn't print anything. The problematic code is under below:
; Nasm v 2.15.05 (on Linux x64)
extern printf
section .data
notificationMessage DB "Enter the upper limit: ", 0x0
notificationFormatString DB "%s", 0x0
section .text
global main
; initialize
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rdi, notificationFormatString
mov rsi, notificationMessage
call printf ; it doesn't print anything. why?
; end program
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
mov rax, SYS_EXIT
mov rdi, 0x0
(As far as I know, I should put the format string to rdi
register and the following messages to rsi
and so go on according to the SYSV Calling convention on Linux x64.) I built this Assembly program with the following Makefile.
prime_numbers_linux_x64: prime_numbers_linux_x64.asm
nasm -f elf64 -o prime_numbers_linux_x64.o prime_numbers_linux_x64.asm
gcc -o prime_numbers_linux_x64 prime_numbers_linux_x64.o -no-pie
rm -f ./prime_numbers_linux_x64
rm -f ./prime_numbers_linux_x64.o
When I run the program, this shows nothin and immediately finishes.
knightchaser@3rdfr13nds:~/assembly/loop$ ./prime_numbers_linux_x64
Can you let me know which point I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
My environment is WSL2(Ubuntu 22.04) on Windows 11, 64-bit CPU.
Thanks to @ecm's help, Finally solved. When I use external C libraries on my Assembly code, it's strongly recommended not to use a direct system call of system exit
. Using ret
in this case.) is encouraged.
; Nasm v 2.15.05 (on Linux x64)
extern printf
section .data
notificationMessage DB "Enter the upper limit: ", 0x0
notificationFormatString DB "%s", 0x0
section .text
global main
; initialize
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rdi, notificationFormatString
mov rsi, notificationMessage
call printf ; it doesn't print anything. why?
; end program
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
; use this keyword to finish. (or just ret. assembler will code this into one of between retn or retf keyword, according to the situation.)
; delete
;mov rax, SYS_EXIT
;mov rdi, 0x0
More reference to read