Does the following mean that cloudformation is not supported if I need to change t4g to standard mode for burstable instances?
You can launch your instances as unlimited or standard using the Amazon EC2 console, an AWS SDK, a command line tool, or with an Auto Scaling group.
It does not mean that CloudFormation is not supported. You are always better to check CloudFormation documentation addressing that type of questions.
I created an EC2 Instance with unlimited
mode that comes by default
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
InstanceType: 't4g.medium'
SubnetId: 'subnet-07cc83847cb184254'
SecurityGroupIds: ['sg-0a8d1090cfb961220']
ImageId: 'ami-0006abfd85caddf82'
then updated the Stack adding CreditSpecification:
CPUCredits: 'standard'
and it updated perfectly.