[Edited] I have a use case, where i have to convert the datetimestamp fields to epoch but the fields are not standardized as in some flowfiles we may not receive the datetime fields, My conversion is working perfectly using the EvaluateJsonPath and JoltTransformation JSON.
My Input :
"updated_on": "2023-03-14 03:56:22",
"created_on": "2023-03-14 03:56:22"
My Jolt Spec :
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"assign": "${assign:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}",
"updated_on": "${updated_on:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}",
"i_date": "${i_date:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}",
"created_on": "${created_on:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}"
Desired Output :
"updated_on": "1678766182",
"created_on": "1678766182"
But i am still not understand why i am getting error whenever any one or two of datetimestamp field missing out of four
Let' reproduce your case;
By adding four processes :
GetFile :
Input Directory - [defined] ( example : C:\ApacheNifi\App\JSON ) where there's a flowfile.json with flowfile II as the content
Keep Source File - true
EvaluateJSONPath :
Destination - flowfile-attribute //to be individually used within the next(Jolt) transformation
with added properties :
Property Value
----------- -------------
created_on $.created_on
updated_on $.updated_on
Path not found behavior - skip => there will be the key name of the attribute while the value is "" (eg. {"created_on":"1678755382000","updated_on":""}) if the related attribute ( in this case updated_on ) doesn't exist within the flowfile.json file.
JoltTransformJSON :
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", // replacing "default" with this is important in order to
// be able to override the values of the existing attributes
"spec": {
"updated_on":"${updated_on:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}",
"created_on":"${created_on:toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}"
Run once each process except for LogAttribute
As a result, you can get a result similar to the one you've defined as the desired result for the flowfile II from the List queue in the last Connection's context menu.