I'm trying to implement a REST API using OpenAPI (v3.0.3) and the openapi-generator-maven-plugin (v6.6.0). I want the plugin to generate both server and client from the specification.
I'm trying to implement a method to download a (ZIP) file, which I imagine would be a rather common operation, but I cannot get it to work on the client side. And unfortunately, my search didn't turn up any useful hints, so I'm asking a new question. In the spec, I have written:
operationId: download
description: Success
type: string
format: binary
The server side (generator spring) is generated as expected and returns a ResponseEntity of type "Resource" (I have implemented the method to return a Spring InputStreamResource). When calling the server endpoint with a hand made client, it works as expected and I can read the InputStream without problem.
The generated client however (generator java, with library native) is not really doing what I think it should. Here is a part of the generated download method:
public ApiResponse<File> downloadWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
HttpRequest.Builder localVarRequestBuilder = downloadRequestBuilder();
try {
HttpResponse<InputStream> localVarResponse = memberVarHttpClient.send(
if (memberVarResponseInterceptor != null) {
try {
if (localVarResponse.statusCode()/ 100 != 2) {
throw getApiException("download", localVarResponse);
return new ApiResponse<File>(
localVarResponse.body() == null ? null : memberVarObjectMapper.readValue(localVarResponse.body(), new TypeReference<File>() {}) // closes the InputStream
} finally {
First, it returns a response of type file...Ok, I could live with that. But it just handles the response wrong: First, it retrieves a HttpResponse. That is correct and gets the input stream, but then it tries to map the response body through a JSON mapper (memberVarObjectMapper). Which is obviously wrong since the return type in the spec is "application/zip", so the method breaks here with a JSON parse error.
So, my questions:
I just ran into the same thing yesterday. I switched to using resttemplate library with useAbstractionForFiles set to true, and that worked. I would prefer to have used the native library, but it seems it may be a bug without much traction: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/3672