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Assess the power of the GPU using Vulkan

Vulkan has a lot of properties of Physical Device. Is it possible to get some information to assess GPU performance? How I know there are size of max workgroup and max number of invocations. Are there some properties of hardware performance like: number of cores, frequency, max data rate and so on? Maybe somebody had an experience to assess GPU performance using Vulkan.


  • You can get some kind of GPU information through VkPhisicalDeviceProperties and VkPhisicalDeviceFeatures. You can get performance counters through the extension VK_KHR_performance_query. There may be obscure, vendor-specific extensions that can tell more GPU details like the ARM extension VK_ARM_shader_core_properties. But information such as GPU load, operating frequency and others you usually get through the operating system or a specific library provided by the GPU vendor.