I've got the following sales table (from datacube):
Channel | Center | Qty
D2D | H100 | 100
D2D | H200 | 400
Ext | T100 | 320
Ext | T200 | 280
Ch1 | C100 | 540
Ch1 | C400 | 320
Ch2 | C400 | 240
Ch3 | C300 | 200
I need to sum/pivot quantities sold through sales channels but some rules should be applied - quantities sold through D2D and Ext channels should be distributed to Ch1 and Ch2:
distribution rule 1) 50% of D2D
channel quantities sold in H100 center should be added to Ch1 channel, and 50% to Ch2 channel, the same applies for H200 center
distribution rule 2) 80% of all Ext
channel quantities (regardless of center) should be added to Ch1 channel and 20% to Ch2 channel
So the resulting table should look like this:
Channel | Qty
Ch1 | 1590 <-- 540 + 320 + 0.5*100 + 0.5*400 + 0.8*(320+280)
Ch2 | 610 <-- 240 + 0.5*100 + 0.5*400 + 0.2*(320+280)
Ch3 | 200
How to do this in PowerPivot/DAX?
In PowerBI/DAX
, you can use the following formulas for new Columns
Ch1 = if(AND([Channel]="D2D",OR ([Center]="H100", [Center]="H200")),0.5*[Qty],
Ch2 = if(AND([Channel]="D2D",OR ([Center]="H100", [Center]="H200")),0.5*[Qty],
Ch3 = if([Channel]="Ch3",[Qty],0)
Then it is just a matter of deciding how to display the results. eg on a Multi-Row Card it might be:
But, of course, in Power BI there are many ways to present the data.
In Power Pivot you can use the same DAX formulas to add the columns, then create a Pivot Table in Excel. You may have to transpose that table to duplicate your output above.
Or you can accomplish the same thing in Power Query using M Code