I'm testing a mobile website on windows phone 7 and the JSON.stringify function is not working. Does anyone know why this might be happening or what I can do to solve this? I am stringifying an array in order to store it in a cookie. This is my code:
vString = JSON.stringify(vehicleArray);
alert ('this alert will never execute');
$j.cookie('vehicleCookie', vString, { expires: 7, path: '/' }); //Store all the vehicles again to the cookie
Any code beyond the vString line ceases to execute.
The vehicleArray looks like this, if logged:
["145", "273", "241", "553", "490", "380"]
I can't provide much information on what is or isn't working because windows phone doesn't have any sort of debugger that I'm aware of, and the code works fine in ie7.
You can extend jQuery to give it a jQuery.stringify()
It's minified to conserve space:
jQuery.extend({stringify:function(a){var c=typeof a;if(c!="object"||a===null)return c=="string"&&(a='"'+a+'"'),String(a);else{var d,b,f=[],e=a&&a.constructor==Array;for(d in a)b=a[d],c=typeof b,a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(c=="string"?b='"'+b+'"':c=="object"&&b!==null&&(b=jQuery.stringify(b)),f.push((e?"":'"'+d+'":')+String(b)));return(e?"[":"{")+String(f)+(e?"]":"}")}}});
So just include this at the top of your file and change your problematic line to this:
vString = jQuery.stringify(vehicleArray);