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Rails 7: Could not find generator 'stimulus'

I have recently upgraded our application to Rails 7 and want to use Stimulus. I understand that with Rails 7 its comes by default.

I am trying to execute rails generate stimulus Downloader but this results in Could not find generator 'stimulus'.

Are there any additional steps i need to perform to use Stimulus?

Any help here would be great, thanks.


  • It comes with rails 7 in a form of a gem stimulus-rails:

    bundle add stimulus-rails
    bin/rails stimulus:install

    Everything else also comes in a gem importmap-rails, jsbundling-rails, cssbundling-rails, turbo-rails, tailwindcss-rails - and has an install task which rails runs for you when making a new app with rails new. For existing apps you have to follow install instructions for each gem.