Given a file that is open for editing within Neovim, how can one return all files and directories within the current working directory (CWD) of that open file?
The intended use case is to have a key-mapping set that has a callback to a function that checks whether a current file or directory exists within the CWD. I am trying to write such a function. In the pseudo-code shown further below, I have called it existsInCWD
For example, the key-map in the mappings.lua
vim.keymap.set({'n'}, '<A-f>', '',
desc = "Check if 'figures' directory exists",
callback = function()
local figuresDirExists = existsInCWD("figures")
if figuresDirExists then
print("Figure directory exists.")
print("Figure directory does not exist.")
is responsible for calling the existsInCWD
function. This function then gets all the files and directories in the current working directory and checks whether the passed in name matches any of the files.
existsInCWD = function(nameToCheck)
-- Get current working directory
local cwDir = vim.fn.getcwd()
-- Get all files and directories in CWD (pseudo-code)
local cwdContent = get_all_files_and_dirs_in_cwd()
-- Check if specified file or directory exists
local fullNameToCheck = cwDir .. "/" .. nameToCheck
print("Checking for: \"" .. fullNameToCheck .. "\"")
for _, cwdItem in pairs(cwdContent) do
if cwdItem == fullNameToCheck then
return true
return false
In the above pseudo-code, I am looking for a Lua/Neovim-compatible solution to the get_all_files_and_dirs_in_cwd()
pseudo-function that makes use of the built-in functionality of Neovim.
To store all files and directories in the CWD, one can use:
local cwDir = vim.fn.getcwd()
local cwdContent = vim.split(vim.fn.glob(cwDir .. "/*"), '\n', {trimempty=true})
-- Note 1: if cwDir contains a trailing "/" because the CWD was acquired
-- by means other than getcwd() (e.g. Lua string matching/substitution),
-- then remove the "/" preceding the "*" in the above line to avoid "//" issues
-- Note 2: use {trimempty=true} to ensure that vim.split() drops
-- empty space preceding a separator instead of treating it as en entity to keep.
The variable cwdContent
can then be iterated over and used as desired. As a complete example function:
existsInCWD = function(nameToCheck)
local cwDir = vim.fn.getcwd()
-- Get all files and directories in CWD
local cwdContent = vim.split(vim.fn.glob(cwDir .. "/*"), '\n', {trimempty=true})
-- Check if specified file or directory exists
local fullNameToCheck = cwDir .. "/" .. nameToCheck
print("Checking for: \"" .. fullNameToCheck .. "\"")
for _, cwdItem in pairs(cwdContent) do
if cwdItem == fullNameToCheck then
return true
return false