I'm trying to SELECT a column from my table, but the ResultSet is always empty. The SQL Statement works as expected when I try it in the IntelliJ database tool and I even printed it out using System.out.print and put it into the sql query tool and it works.
Because the ResultSet is empty I keep getting the error "ResultSet is not positioned correctly" (I tried writing rs.next but it didn't work)
Here is the code
private final String HELP_STATEMENT_STR =
"SELECT a1atnr " +
"FROM market.a1 INNER JOIN market.asol ON a1atnr = asoatnr " +
"WHERE asoatikid = ?;";
private PreparedStatement HELP_STATEMENT;
public List<Long> deleteArticle(String ext_article_nr) throws SQLException {
if (HELP_STATEMENT == null){
HELP_STATEMENT = database.getConnection().prepareStatement(HELP_STATEMENT_STR);
HELP_STATEMENT.setString(1, ext_article_nr);
ResultSet rs = HELP_STATEMENT.executeQuery();
if (!rs.next()){
System.out.println("ResultSet is empty");
} else {
System.out.println("ResultSet is not empty");
String nr = rs.getString("a1atnr");
I also tried using a normal Statement instead of a prepareStatement but the results are exactly the same
Any help would be appreciated
could you try adding aliases for the two tables in your FROM clause and use them in the ON clause like this:
"SELECT a1atnr " +
"FROM market.a1 a1Table INNER JOIN market.asol asolTable " +
"ON a1Table.a1atnr = asolTable.asoatnr " +
"WHERE asoatikid = ?;";