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Oracle Pro*C precompiler errors on EXEC SQL statements in included files

I'm converting some legacy code to Oracle Pro*C. I'm on a Linux box using Oracle 11.2. We are using ".cp" as the suffix for Pro*C source files. I'm not much of a C developer so I am sort of banging around in the dark as I go.

At one point I have some code in a shared library file, "assign_field.cp," so in myprog.cp I am doing

EXEC SQL INCLUDE "assign_field.cp";

Now, in assign_field.cp, I have a very common line of Pro*C code...


For this line, along with many others, I am seeing the following compiler output:

assign_field.cp:35: error: expected â=â, â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before âSQLâ

It looks as though the compiler isn't recognizing that this is Pro*C code.

I've got other include files that look very similar to assign_field.cp but which appear to compile just fine when included.


  • Don't include the C files (in this case, .cp files) in the program's flow. Compile them separately; refer only to the function's declaration, such as in an included .h file. Refer to the compiled object files (probably .o) in the call to the linker in the makefile.