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Why does the Bookmark Property not work in my MS Access Form

I have a continous form on which the .AllowAdditions=False. There is a button that will add a new record by using the following code:

Dim bkm As Variant
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_Unit", , dbAppendOnly)

With rs
    .Fields("UnitID") = DMax("UnitID", "tbl_Unit") + 1
    .Fields("ObjektID") = 0
    .Fields("UnitTypID") = 0
    bkm = .Bookmark
End With

Me.Recordset.Bookmark = bkm
End Sub

The record is added as expected, but the bookmark method of jumping to the newly added record in the form, does not work. I get the run time error 3159: Not a valid bookmark. As far as I can tell, I am following the same logic that Microsoft provides in their documentation page here. The error occurs on line Me.Recordset.Bookmark = bkm Why am I getting the error?


  • A bookmark belongs to a recordset, not a table. So try:

    Dim UnitId As Long
    Dim rs     As DAO.Recordset
    UnitId = DMax("UnitID", "tbl_Unit") + 1
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_Unit", , dbAppendOnly)
    With rs
        .Fields("UnitID") = UnitId
        .Fields("ObjektID") = 0
        .Fields("UnitTypID") = 0
    End With
    Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
    rs.FindFirst "UnitID = " & UnitId & ""
    If Not rs.NoMatch Then
        Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
    End If