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Colors of options page in VSIX are not persisted

I have made a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) (see: Pretty Doc Comments - Visual Studio Marketplace).

It has an options page looking like this:

enter image description here

It is created automatically by a DialogPage looking like this:

public class OptionPageGrid : DialogPage
    [DisplayName("Font scaling")]
    [Description("By how much the editor font size is multiplied to get the comment base font size (default is 0.8).")]
    public double FontScaling { get; set; } = 0.8;

    [DisplayName("Comment width in columns")]
    [Description("Width of the rendered doc comment in columns (default is 80).")]
    public int CommentWidthInColumns { get; set; } = 80;

    [Category("Shape Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Comment background color")]
    [Description("Background color of rendred comments (default is LightGoldenrodYellow).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color CommentBackColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.LightGoldenrodYellow;

    [Category("Shape Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Comment line color")]
    [Description("Color of comment frame and separator lines (default is DarkKhaki).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color CommentLineColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.DarkKhaki;

    [Category("Shape Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Code block background color")]
    [Description("Background color of <code>blocks</code> (default is Gainsboro).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color CodeBlockBackColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.Gainsboro;

    [Category("Text Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Text color")]
    [Description("Color of normal text (default is Black).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color TextColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

    [Category("Text Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Special text color")]
    [Description("Color of special text, e.g. links and references (default is DarkSlateBlue).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color SpecialTextColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.DarkSlateBlue;

    [Category("Text Colors")]
    [DisplayName("HTML comment text color")]
    [Description("Color of HTML <!-- comment --> text (default is ForestGreen).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color HtmlCommentTextColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.ForestGreen;

    [Category("Text Colors")]
    [DisplayName("Error text and frame color")]
    [Description("Color used to display XML parsing errors (default is Red).")]
    public System.Drawing.Color ErrorTextColor { get; set; } = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

    public override void SaveSettingsToStorage()

This page is registered like this:

[PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true, AllowsBackgroundLoading = true)]
[ProvideOptionPage(typeof(OptionPageGrid), "Pretty Doc Comments", "General",  0, 0, true)]
public sealed class PrettyDocCommentsPackage : AsyncPackage { ... }

E.g. the option "Comment width in columns" (int) is persisted, but the color properties are not despite the fact that I specified a [TypeConverter(typeof(System.Drawing.ColorConverter))] for them.

Why are the colors not persisted and what can I do to fix it?

Note: I prefer not to store the colors in "Fonts and Colors" as they are harder to find there and I prefer to have all the options in one place.


  • I have no idea what the exact problem was, but implementing Mads Kristensen's Options example solved the problem. Definitely a better solution than the one shown in the original documentation Create an options page.