I am attempting to do a pattern match on a password input and for some reason HTML claims there is a mismatch while JavaScript claims it matches. Testing my RegExp on regexr.com/7gmmi claims it is a-okay...
What am I missing?
<input id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password Input" pattern="/^(?!.*(.)\1{1})(?=(.*[\d]){2,})(?=(.*[a-z]){2,})(?=(.*[A-Z]){2,})(?=(.*[\D\W\S]){2,})(?:[\d\w\S]){8,64}$/">
const patternPass = new RegExp(/^(?!.*(.)\1{1})(?=(.*[\d]){2,})(?=(.*[a-z]){2,})(?=(.*[A-Z]){2,})(?=(.*[\D\W\S]){2,})(?:[\d\w\S]){8,64}$/);
/// true
Have you tried removing those slashes at the beginning and end of the pattern attribute and testing again?