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How to get total element tag?

I have the list string with some tags is defined, I want to count how many total element in each tag.

<L1 //2 element
 <L1 //1 element
  <H1 content> 
 <L1 //3 element
  <H2 content> 
  <P content>
  <L1 //1 element
   <H3 content>

This is my snipped code C#

var str = "<L1\r\n <L1\r\n  <H1 content> \r\n > \r\n <L1\r\n  <H2 content> \r\n  <P content>\r\n  <L1\r\n   <H3 content>\r\n  >\r\n >\r\n>";
var list = str.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
var array_num = new List<string>();
int startpos = 0, endpos = 0, total = 0, newstartpos = 0;
bool newtag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
    if (list[i].Trim() == "<L1")
        startpos = i;
        for (int Lindex = i + 1; Lindex < list.Length ; Lindex++)
            var item = list[Lindex].Trim().ToString();
            if (list[Lindex].Trim().StartsWith("<L1") && list[Lindex].Trim().EndsWith(">"))
                total += 1;
            if (list[Lindex].Trim() == "<L1")
                total += 2;
                newstartpos = Lindex;
                newtag = true;
            if (list[Lindex].Trim() == ">" && newstartpos != 0)
                total -= 1;
                endpos = Lindex;
                newtag = false;
            if (list[Lindex].Trim().StartsWith("<") && list[Lindex].Trim().EndsWith(">") && !newtag)
                total += 1;
            if (list[Lindex].Trim() == ">" && newstartpos == 0)
                endpos = Lindex;
        array_num.Add("start: " + startpos + " end: " + endpos + " count: " + total);
        startpos = 0;
        endpos = 0;
        total = 0;
        newstartpos = 0;
        newtag = false;

But when I run it and get the result not expected, the result array_num get content. The result is correct should be

start:0 end: 11 count: 2 //correct
start:1 end: 3 count: 1 //correct
start:4 end: 11 count: 1 //incorrect should be 4 10 3
start:7 end: 9 count: 1 //correct

But i'm not sure my code is working stable with other example, If you have any idea for this, or adjust something, kindly let me know for changed something.


  • A stack structure would be best to use as it reflects the structure of content being parsed.

    Here is one solution. Use a stack and a TagCounter class. The TagCounter class tracks the number of children a tag has, whether it is an L1 tag, and its index in the string so they can be put into the correct order at the end:

    internal class TagCounter
        public TagCounter(bool isL1Tag, int index) 
            ChildCount = 0;
            IsL1Tag = isL1Tag;
            Index = index;
        public int ChildCount { get; set; }
        public bool IsL1Tag { get; private set; }
        public int Index { get; set; }

    snippet to compute it:

    var str = "<L1\r\n <L1\r\n  <H1 content> \r\n > \r\n <L1\r\n  <H2 content> \r\n  <P content>\r\n  <L1\r\n   <H3 content>\r\n  >\r\n >\r\n>";
    var openTags = new Stack<TagCounter>();   
    var parsedLTags = new List<TagCounter>();
    var shortenedString = str.Replace("\r\n", "");
    TagCounter? currentTag = null;
    var stringLength = shortenedString.Length;
    for (var i = 0;i < stringLength; i++)
        var nextChar = shortenedString[i];
        if (nextChar == '<')
            if (currentTag != null)
            var isL1Tag = shortenedString.Substring(i + 1, 2).Equals("L1");
            if (currentTag != null)
            currentTag = new TagCounter(isL1Tag, i);
        else if (nextChar == '>')
            if (currentTag.IsL1Tag)
            if (openTags.Any())
                currentTag = openTags.Pop();
                currentTag = null;
    var result = parsedLTags.OrderBy(x=>x.Index).Select(x=>x.ChildCount).ToList();