Search code examples

User defined filter not working as expected - "contains" interpreted as "ending with"

I stumbled over a strange problem today with the "contains" filter creteria used to filter a worksheet based on text input to a activeX text field in a worksheet.

All is shown in the attached screenshot.

The worksheet with the textbox "txtTitleSearch" that receives the input to be searched/filtered as "contains" criteria. Strangly Excel shows it after the code execution as filtered as "ending with" - which is not what was intended.

As prove I show also the worksheet with data over the searchterm.

What can possibly go wrong in this interpretation of vba code, that excel ends up filtering as "ending with"??

I expected filter results to match a "contains" filter with the search term entered.enter image description here


  • When you set a filter using VBA, Excel attempts to interpret your request and selects the appropriate option for the front end.

    In your code, your criteria is:

    Criteria1:="*" & txtTitelSearch.txt & "*"""

    This resolves to *text*" which, as it ends with a double quote, Excel sets the option to Ends With.

    If you set your criteria to:

    Criteria1:="*" & txtTitelSearch.txt & "*"

    It resolves to *text* which, Excel will identify correctly as Contains because an asterisk is present at both the start and end of the input.

    To summarise:

    When looking for the text "SearchForThis", you would use the * wildcard in the following manner:

    • SearchForThis* Starts With that text
    • *SearchForThis* Contains that text
    • *SearchForThis Ends With that text