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Image loading order in ReactJS

I have a component which by default is a button. But when pressed, it is replaced by four other buttons, each of which has a PNG image.

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import styles from './CallButton.module.css'
import whatsAppImg from '../../images/whatsapp.png'
import telegramImg from '../../images/telegram.png'

const CallButton = () => {
    const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);

    return (<div className={styles.container}>
        {isActive ?
            <div className={styles.appearsLeft}>
                <a className={styles.callButton} title={'Написать в WhatsApp'} href="">
                    <img src={whatsAppImg} className={styles.icon}/>
                <a className={styles.callButton} title={'Написать в Telegram'} href="">
                    <img src={telegramImg} className={styles.icon}/>
            </div> :
            <div className={styles.main}
                 onClick={() => setIsActive(true)}>
                <div className={styles.notActiveButton}>Связаться со мной</div>

export default CallButton;

In idle state it looks like this:

enter image description here

And in active state:

enter image description here

But the fact is that the pictures in the buttons start loading only after the transition to the active state. And I would like them to be loaded in advance. Is there a way to do this?


  • You can force the images loading by calling Image constructor at the moment of component mounting.

    Your code should look like this:

    import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
    import styles from './CallButton.module.css'
    import whatsAppImg from '../../images/whatsapp.png'
    import telegramImg from '../../images/telegram.png'
    const imagesSrcs = [whatsAppImg, telegramImg];
    const CallButton = () => {
      const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
      useEffect(() => {
        imagesSrcs.forEach(imageSrc => {
          (new Image()).src = imageSrc;
      }, []);
      return (<div className={styles.container}>
        {isActive ?
          <div className={styles.appearsLeft}>
            <a className={styles.callButton} title={'Написать в WhatsApp'} href="">
              <img src={whatsAppImg} className={styles.icon}/>
            <a className={styles.callButton} title={'Написать в Telegram'} href="">
              <img src={telegramImg} className={styles.icon}/>
          </div> :
          <div className={styles.main}
               onClick={() => setIsActive(true)}>
            <div className={styles.notActiveButton}>Связаться со мной</div>
    export default CallButton;