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Where to put the code that creates local files in android?

I'm trying to create an app (using Kotlin with Jetpack Compose) that can save files to internal storage, but I don't know what is the best place to put for example this code:

fun deleteFile(context: Context, filePath: String): Boolean {
    val path = context.filesDir
    val file = File(path, filePath)

    if (!file.exists()) return false
    return file.deleteRecursively()

Since I need the context to handling files the code must be in the UI layer right? But isn't it a business code? If is business code I can't put it in the data layer because I need context, passing the context to the viewModel is also not good, so where?


  • Typically, in an Android app architecture that follows the recommended practices, you would have separate layers such as UI layer (composed of activities/fragments and Jetpack Compose), ViewModel layer, and Data layer (including repositories and data sources). To handle file operations, you can introduce a repository pattern.

    The FileRepository class acts as an intermediary between the ViewModel and the file system, utilizing the application context to delete files from internal storage.

    class FileRepository(private val application: Application) {
        fun deleteFile(filePath: String): Boolean {
            val path = application.filesDir
            val file = File(path, filePath)
            if (!file.exists()) return false
            return file.deleteRecursively()

    The MyViewModel class extends AndroidViewModel and holds an instance of the FileRepository. It serves as a bridge between the UI layer and the file handling logic,

    class MyViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
        private val fileRepository by lazy { FileRepository(application) }
        fun deleteFile(filePath: String): Boolean {
            return fileRepository.deleteFile(filePath)

    Example usage

    fun Example(myViewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) {
        // UI

    The function takes an instance of MyViewModel as a parameter, with a default value obtained using the viewModel() function. Inside the function, you would define the UI elements and layout specific to this component.