I have a testbench SV task that can check the frequency of a 1 bit logic signal, useful to measure frequencies of clocks, valids etc... however how can I measure the frequency of a multi-bit data signal to get a rough idea of how fast samples are changing.
The problem is I don't want to care about the signal size but the compiler does. Is there anyway to pass an unspecified size logic signal into a SV task? e.g.
task automatic chk_data_rate(
ref int signal,
input time timeout,
output real meas_freq
: : :
real f;
logic [23:0] a;
logic [7:0] b;
logic [31:0] c;
chk_data_rate(a, 1ms, f);
chk_data_rate(b, 1ms, f);
chk_data_rate(c, 1ms, f);
Here the error is:
xmelab: *E,TYCMPAT (test.sv,1769|38): ref formal and actual do not have equivalent data types on instance '$unit_0x78c03c36' (expecting datatype compatible with 'int' but found 'packed array [23:0] of logic' instead).
I can change int the same type as 'a' but I can't make it generic...
I could convert each signal to analyse into a single bit first and then use existing task, but it seems cumbersome...
I'd suggest using parameterized classes to do it. Something like in the following example:
module mod;
class abc #(size = 1);
logic [size-1:0] data;
function new();
task monitor();
$display("my size is %0d", size);
abc #(24) a = new;
abc #(8) b = new;
abc #(63) c = new;
initial begin